Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reformation study guide (homework)

Read pages 356-386
Click to access homework

Section 1: Martin Luther and the German Reformation (pages 356-364): Due Thursday 9/30
Section 2: The Reformation Elsewhere (pages 364-370 -->): Due Monday 10/4
Section 3: Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation (pages 374-377: Due Wednesday 10/6
Section 4: Social Significance of the Reformation (377-381): Due Thursday 10/7

Each section of the homework consists of  a 'big questions' and a series of sub questions. You can answer the sub questions a number of ways. You can use Cornell notes, outlines, or you can simply use them as a guide when you take read and take notes. As always, the sub questions will help you answer the 'big questions' which should be answered by graphic organizer or written paragraph. After you complete each section, you are required to go back and REVIEW (or study) your notes and/or answers for that section and previous sections. This simple act will help you recall much more information. Expect homework quizes on due dates.

This homework will become your study guide so be mindful. Read critically, take notes and answer the big questions with confidence. If you can't explain your answers without looking at your notes, then you don't understand the material and you need go go back and review.